Glyphosate. Voted in for another 5 years by the European Union

stop glyphosate

The 28 countries of the EC have finally voted today – by a majority of one – in favour of renewing the use of glyphosate for another five years.  16 votes out of the 28 countries were needed to clinch the deal, representing 65% of the EU population.  Germany, representing a large demographic area of the EU and who previously abstained, swung the vote in favour after having requested changes in the proposed text.  Member States have to ensure that POE tallowmine is not present in glyphosate, and that farmers respect good practices when spraying during the pre-harvest season.

Immediately after the vote, French President Macron declared that France will ban the substance within the next three years.

The Commission will adopt the act before December 15.

See more on glyphosate here.