New figures for agricultural land, France. Dirt cheap?


Official figures are just out – 4 July 2018 – giving the average market value of agricultural land in France (2017). Prices are in Euros per hectare (hectare = ‘are’ in French). A hectare is 10.000 square metres. Consult the grid here.

In 2017 the average price for farmland was €6 090, a mere 0,9% rise from prices in 2016, in contrast to the 5% rise seen over the last 10 years. This slowdown – like last year’s slowdown – should be seen in perspective, taking into account the fall in farm earnings, the cost of agricultural products, and unpredictable weather conditions. Land in France is cheap in comparison with its western neighbours, one tenth of the asking price in the Netherlands, and under one quarter of the price in the UK: see Agricultural land prices: France and Europe.

See also Updated landprices in France and Europe, published 2019